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TUMININU GBEBIRE, My hiding place, oil on canvas, 48inches by 36inches. Price: $2300



Tumininu Gbebire is an Artist from Lagos, Nigeria. Born in 1994.

Her passion for Art led her to the Yaba college of technology. There she studied at the school of Arts and design.


She works as an Art consultant and a Mural specialists. She also facilitates Art exhibitions and events. Tumininu enjoys volunteering, using Art therapy to work with mental health patients.


The theme of her current works are “Time” and “Lifestyle “. Here she transforms everyday situations using simple actions into a body of Arts.


She present this painting as “My hiding place” inspired by her introverted lifestyle, the piece reflects her originality and her time in solitude.

TUMININU GBEBIRE, My hiding place

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